Digital Coupons FAQs

    Digital Coupons are just like paper coupons, only easier! They’re loaded directly to your VIC Card and redeem automatically at the register when you purchase the qualifying item.

    To download Digital Coupons, you will need to: Create an account, and Link your VIC card

    1.      Add coupons from our website or mobile app.

    2.      Purchase the qualifying item(s) in-store or online.

    3.      Scan your VIC Card at the register.

    The discount will automatically be applied to your purchase and will appear on your receipt underneath the qualifying item. Digital Coupons are identified as "ecpn" on your receipt.

    A limit of 150 coupons per household can be loaded at one time.

    Digital offer discounts will appear on your receipt below the qualifying item(s). Digital Coupons are identified as "ecpn" on your receipt.

    Occasionally, this may happen for a variety of reasons. If you notice this while you are at the register, please ask the cashier for assistance. Or, contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-432-6111

    Coupons are limited to one per item. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.

    Digital Coupons are not eligible on close-out items on sale as a "Manager's Special," or if the value of the coupon exceeds the price of the item. Digital Coupons for amounts "off order" are not eligible on alcohol, tobacco products and Gift Cards.