DIY Cereal Box Guitars

DIY Cereal Box Guitars

Cereal Box Guitars

DIY Difficulty Level: 2 (Moderate)

Let’s get jammin’! Upcycle common household supplies to create your own faux garage band! A perfect rainy day craft and activity!


  • cereal box
  • Large cardboard tube
  • clothespins
  • rubber bands of various sizes
  • Washi or duct tape
  • Hot glue gun
  • Box cutter or scissors


  1. Trace a large circle into the center of the cereal box and cut it out carefully.
  2. Next, trace a circle onto to the top of the cereal box, using the cardboard tube as a guide. Insert the cardboard tube into the hold, using gentle pressure if necessary. Use the tape to seal the top of the box around the tube and to secure the tube to the box.
  3. Stretch rubber bands of various sizes around the box. Tape the bands in place on top and bottom of the box.
  4. Secure three “frets” to the top of the cardboard tube using a hot glue gun.